She & He & Other People
The They Co. Amorphous plurality of various New York City undertakings. Specializing in exhibition re-appropriation, better video production with heart function, unknown real estate introduction. Design consulting. Art consulting. Consulting consulting. Comprised of whoever's necessary for whatever the doctor's ordered. A Big Apple a day houses many doctors. Roll up your sleeves, feel the operation. The bedside manner is artist designed, the tranquilizer locally grown, the stirrups a love letter, the shot in the arm a happy jolt. Open your mind or at least eyes. Say 'ah.'
(uncharacteristically wearing sunglasses)
She is a visual artist, curator, producer, production designer, and organizer/cultural programmer.
Basic training includes American University (Painting, Video MFA; Rome, IT), Design Miami/, Driehaus Prize, Lehmann Maupin, creative consultant. Brooklyn, 7 years. Manhattan, 3. Italy, 2.
1 day in Law School. The rest, in the studio or on the dance floor.
He is a writer, filmmaker, curator, and social organizer.
Early rearing involves indie film director assisting, psych hospital snooping, art collective commandeering. He studied Film and Electronic Media at Bard College where Adolfus Mekas awarded him the Maya Deren Award for "excellence in and commitment to cinema." He has since shot numerous short films and commercials, co-written one This American Life optioned screenplay (My Thirty Year War), 5 features, and is developing two TV shows.
Together They has produced over 7 large-scale art exhibitions, offered additional production design support on short films like The Frontiersman’s Wife and feature films like Jess Weixler and Jennifer Prediger’s Trouble Dolls, produced two short films (Party Trick, High Phantom Playback), and numerous smaller art exhibitions (including solo shows for Celia Rowlson-Hall, James J. Williams III and a Still House group show for SchoolHouse Projects in 2012, as well as a quote-Bushwick themed-unquote art show commissioned by ArtHamptons in 2013, the By Invitation Only Chiaroscuro show in 2014, and the Brooklyn College senior thesis show in 2016 to name a few).